

Appreciation Day

The Dunsmuir Botanical Gardens' Board of Directors hosted the annual Appreciation Day party for Gardens' sustaining members and volunteers on Sunday, July 28, 2014.  The group enjoyed refreshments provided by the Board, a presentation by Horticulturalist, Candace Miller on the new interpretive signs to be placed in the Gardens in the next few weeks, and a tour of the Gardens showing off the new acquisitions.

Of the 49 new plants added to the Gardens since last year's Appreciation Day party, 38 are natives and 11 are hybrid woodland ornamentals.  The natives include 36 penstemons acquired through a grant from the National Penstemon Society of which 21 are natives to Siskiyou County.  Other natives include Yerba Mansa (Anemopsis California, lizard tail) which forms a low growing mat with interesting flowers.  The other native is the Cascara shrub or small tree (Frangula purshiana). Both the Yerba Mansa and Cascara shrub are native to Siskiyou County.  New ornamentals include the "Vanilla Strawberry" hydrangea, "Hearts of Gold", a variety of eastern redbud, "Blue Butterflies" columbine and other showy specimens.

This special event is just a small thank you from the Board of Directors to all of the Gardens' members and volunteers without whom the Dunsmuir Botanical Gardens could not provide this wonderful place for all to enjoy.  Thanks to all for keeping the Gardens blooming!

Posted by Judy